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  Young Actors Studio ™ launches Molly Quinn into Hollywood!  Click here to read the story!

   The Latest Hollywood NEWS...

Yes, that's Kaitlyn who's on the McDonalds Commercial now running on TV. She's the one playing a guitar and really does know how to play too! She had her first role in the feature film "Kit Kittredge - An American Girl" and had a great time!  Kenton (from Plano) is busy working with Hollywood Star Tim Allen on the movie "Crazy on the Outside"... we found out from his Agent that Kenton's "golden locks" had to be dyed brown for the movie role!  Molly's the luckiest and busiest 13 yrs old Texas Actress - filming Movies with Renee Zellweger, Jim Carrey, and now a lead role in a TV Pilot "Castle".Watch for more exciting news soon!

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