Summer Movie Camp 2012
"Camp Winoaka" - Photo Gallery

Camp Counselors (played by Natasha, Gryfon, Ian, and Cooper) rally the campers before the group games.

Camp Counselors Maggie (Gryfon) and Nick (Ian) check in this summer's campers.
Payton, Lauren C., and Lexie tell scary stories in Camp Winoaka.

Chris (center) leads the pack with teammates Logan (left) and Kyle (right).

Margot, Lauren C., Lexie, Payton, and Lauren F. decide which path to take in Camp Winoaka’s scavenger hunt.

Emma Joe (Ashley, left) and Amy (Kate, right) carry a wounded Willamena (Kathryn, center).

The cast of Camp Winoaka take a break from filming to pose for a photo.

Press interview with Jake from Camp Winoaka.

Country boy Billie Joe (Logan) reveals his soft side as he shares a poem with Liz (Lauren).

Lauren dashes away to find more scavenger hunt items for her teammates.

Filming on location at Farmers Branch's historical park.

Three camera operators capture every moment of Camp Winoaka.


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